IMO Legal Instruments

This department is responsible for the procedure to ratify and adhere to the various international maritime conventions to be in accordance with maritime authorities worldwide.

1. IMO Convention 48
2. IMO Amendment 91
3. IMO Amendment 93
4. SOLAS Convention 74
5. SOLAS Protocol 78
6. SOLAS Protocol 88
7. Load Line Convention 66
8. Load Line Protocol 88
9. Tonnage Convention 69
10. COLREG Convention 72
11. CSC Convention 72
12. STCW Convention 78
13. FAL Convention 65
14. MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
15. MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
16. London Convention 72
17. CLC Convention 6918.
18. SUA Convention 78
19. SUA Protocol 88

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