Ship Registry

The Ship Registry Department aims for objective the registration of vessels and of natural or legal persons that have regarding the vessels, the character of owners, leaseholders, or shipowners.

New Safety Feature


Ship Registry Department

Grant nationality

To vessels who wish to navigate with Honduran flag and comply with national legislation and international maritime conventions of which Honduras is party to.

Register ownership

Register ownership of vessels to ensure legal certainty.

Registration of commercial companies

Mercantile companies engaged in activities in the maritime sector and shipyards to legalize their operations as companies or shipping agencies, and in this way provide a professional service to national and international vessels that arrive at Honduran ports through them.


The documents that are submitted as requirements attached to the application form, shall not present alterations, smudges or scratches; and in the case of photocopies these must be clearly legible and duly authenticated.

Contact our telephone line 24/7 365 days a year: (504) 2239-8320

  • Provisional Registry
  • Fishing Vessels
  • Vessels older than 20 years
  • Extension of Provisional Registry
  • Certificate of Registry due to Changes
  • Property Registration of the Vessel Property
  • Definitive Registry
  • Special Registries
  • Mortgage
  • Registry Deletion Request
  • Issuance of Proofs

Provisional Registry

The owners, leaseholders, or shipowners who are interested in registering a vessel in Honduras, must apply for registration at the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine through a professional authorized to practice law in Honduras.

The documents attached to the application form may be temporary and for the sole purpose of obtaining the Provisional Certificate of Registry, presented as authenticated photocopies.

Validity: Six (6) months

General Requirements

  1. Fill the Request Form, which can be found in the Section of Reception of Documents and Customer Service at the headquarters in Tegucigalpa, it can also be downloaded from our website.
  2. Public Deed of Power duly authenticated, in any cases, or power of attorney duly authenticated.
  3. Original or certified copy of title deed, lease or legal act by virtue of which shows the ownership.
  4. Tonnage Certificate. (Only applies to vessels larger than 78 feet or 24 meters of Length – according to the ITC 69 Convention -. In case of smaller vessels, the Recognized Organization (R.O.) chosen by the shipowner shall issue a “Non Convention” Certificate or on behalf, the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine may issue a certificate of “Simplified Tonnage Calculation”, but solely in these cases.
  5. If it is a cargo or passenger vessel an insurance policy for damage to third parties must be presented.

Fishing Vessels

Vessels engaged in International Fishing must additionally present:

  1. When applying for the Provisional Certificate, must prove that it is on the list of Regional Fisheries Entity (CICAA o CIAT for their acronym in Spanish).
  2. Authorization of the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DIGEPESCA for its acronym in spanish).
  3. Comply with the Resolution 024/2003 of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine.
  4. Comply with the Agreement 021/2015 of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine.

Vessels older than 20 years

The reconstructed vessels must present:

  1. Reconstruction Plans of the vessel duly authenticated pointing in the best way possible the changes in the vessel during the reconstruction process.
  2. Letter of the Shipyard duly authenticated, with its exact address, telephone, fax, email and full name and title of the person signing it. The letter should detail at least the period of reconstruction, structural changes made, and an estimated of the vessel’s useful life if kept in optimum conditions.
  3. If it is a Honduran shipyard, it must be registered with the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (according to Resolution 001/2004).

Note: When applying for registration, the petitioner must submit the documentation attesting the reconstruction. This documentation will be reviewed by the Maritime Safety Department for approval. (Resolutions 003/2005 and 001/2003).

Extension of Provisional Registry

Validity: three (3) months

To request an extension of the Provisional Registry, the attorney must submit the request with certified copies of the Third Party Liability Insurance Policy to the Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section before the expiration date of the previous Certificate. Only one extension of Provisional Registry may be given


Certificate of Registry due to Change of Name, Owner or Leaseholder, Structural Changes, Tonnage and Activity

To make a change of name, owner, leaseholder, structural changes, tonnage and activity of the vessel, the attorney must submit to the Section of Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section the application form of Definitive or Provisional Registry to register the change in the Certificate of Registry.
If a vessel is not yet registered in the Registry of Property of Ships of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine, having only provisional certificate of registry, the issuance of the new provisional certificate of registry for the requested change would proceed without further ado.

Prior to the issuance of a Definitive Certificate of Registry the owner must register the property with the Testimony of Public Deed with the change made. When the vessel has its property already registered, an inscription of the change made in the corresponding registry must be submitted.

When changes are made, supporting documents must be attached thereof, as follows:
Change of Vessel Name: Request the availability of the name.

Change of Owner: Bill of Sale or any other title deed transferring ownership.

Structural Changes of the Vessel: Letter of the shipyard detailing the structural changes made.

Change of Tonnage: Tonnage Certificate issued by a Recognized Organization or a classification society.

Change of Activity: Technical certificates proving that the vessel may engage in the new activity.

Property Registration of the Vessel

To register the vessel property, the Attorney must submit the corresponding application form to the Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section with the Testimony of Public Deed and two photocopies.

This process is a requirement to obtain the Definitive Certificate of Registry. The testimony must detail particular of the ship as they appear on the Provisional Certificate, as well as the registration number and the background of the ship.

Definitive Registry

Fishing vessels


  1. Public deed of power or Power of Attorney duly authenticated, if the document was issued abroad it must be must be duly legalized.
    Original or certified copy of Property Title, lease or legal act by virtue of which is in possession of the ship registered in the Registration of the Vessel Property (Located in Honduras), or submit Public Deed for the corresponding registration.
  2. Deletion Certificate of the previous registration, duly legalized.
  3. Tonnage Certificate issued by a Recognized Organization, duly endorsed or Classification Society.
  4. A Class Certificate or Seaworthiness issued by a classification society or Inspector authorized by the General Directorate of Merchant Marine, if the ship is older than 20 years, properly endorsed when applicable.
  5. Establish the type of fishing will be carried out.
  6. Indicate Operation Zone (nL / south and east / west longitude).
  7. Identify installation and operation of the satellite monitoring system.
  8. Continuous Synopsis Record (See Maritime Safety Department).

Note: International vessels, must also submit:

  1. Approval of the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DIGEPESCA for its acronym in Spanish).
  2. Fishing Statistics Report to this General Directorate every three months. The report must be accompanied by an affidavit duly authenticated by the shipowner. The statistics report shall be submitted to the competent international organizations, both by the owner of the vessel as by the Maritime Administration for purposes comparative purposes.

General Cargo Ships, Tugboats, Barges and passengers, vessels o ships


  1. Public deed of power or Power of Attorney duly authenticated, if the document was issued abroad it must be duly legalized.
  2. Original or certified copy of Property Title, lease or legal act by virtue of which is in possession of the ship registered in the Registration of Vessel Property Registry (Located in Honduras), or submit Public Deed for the corresponding registration.
  3. Deletion Certificate of the previous registration, duly legalized.
  4. Tonnage Certificate issued by a Recognized Organization or Classification Society, properly endorsed.
  5. A Class Certificate or Seaworthiness issued by a classification society or Inspector authorized by the General Directorate of Merchant Marine, if the ship is older than 20 years, properly endorsed when applicable.
  6. A certified copy, original or certification of the Third Party Liability Insurance Policy.
  7. Continuous Synopsis Record (See Maritime Safety Department).

Special Registries

To carry out a Special Registry the Attorney must submit to the Section of Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section the RBRE 09.1 form duly filled out, accompanying the relevant documents duly authenticated.

The application documents are the following:

  1. Public Deed of Power duly authenticated, or copy duly authenticated Power of Attorney.
  2. Original or certified copy of title deed, lease or legal act under which shows ownership vessel.
  3. Tonnage Certificate issued by a recognized organization or recognized Classification Society properly endorsed when applicable.
  4. A class certificate or seaworthiness certificate issued by a classification society or inspector authorized by the Directorate General of Merchant Marine, if the ship is older than 20 years, properly endorsed when applicable.
  5. Certified copy of the Insurance Policy for 90 days or 3 months.
  6. Report of the port of departure and port of arrival.



Registry Deletion Request

The Attorney must apply for the Registry Deletion of a ship, which has obtained Definitive Registry through Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section; accompanied the application form with the following documents:

  1. Proof of cancellation of CONATEL-National Commission of Telecommunications.
  2. Proof of having no outstanding debts with DIGEPESCA. (Fisheries)
  3. Proof of solvency with satellite monitoring company. (Fisheries)
  4. Do not have outstanding debts with the General Directorate of Merchant Marine of Honduras.

In case that only Provisional Certificate has been obtained, a Deletion Certificate must also be attached.

Issuance of Proofs

For the issuance of proofs, the Attorney must submit application form to the Reception of Documents and Customer Service Section, the documents and proof of having paid the respective rights.

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