Maritime Industry Department



Decree No. 120-2016 dated December 17, 2016, established the Reforms to the Organic Law of the National Merchant Marine article 91 numeral 26, which is an attribution of the General Directorate to authorize, regulate and supervise the activities of the Industry Auxiliary Maritime.

In its article 95 it establishes that the maritime services and the corresponding documents issued by the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (DGMM) in favor of natural or legal persons, nationals and foreigners, will cause the payment of rates and rights in accordance with the rates established in the regulations of this Law.

DGMM Agreement No. 12-2018 published in the Official Gazette of the Gazette dated June 4, 2018 as established in article 2, the Auxiliary Maritime Industry Department is created within the organic structure of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine; which will be directly attached to the General Director.

Maritime Industry

The Maritime Industry represents 10% of the gross domestic product and is the fastest growing sector in the national economy. Ports are necessary for the development of the country and the services they provide are public, even if they are performed by private companies.


  • Develop, regulate and promote auxiliary maritime services, through effective communication and information instruments.
  • Encourage the maritime sector
  • Easy implementation of new auxiliary maritime services.
  • Ensure that rates are competitive with the regional market.


  • Propose and develop investment promotion strategies in the auxiliary maritime industry segment.
  • Coordinate, Manage the procedures for Operating Licenses of auxiliary maritime services
    Carry out and control, through inspections of trained personnel, compliance with regulations on auxiliary maritime services on a regular basis.
  • Coordinate and integrate the different directions and units with the Auxiliary Maritime Industries department involved in the execution of the operation license procedures.
  • Give instructions for the beginning of the billing of the Operation License.
  • Updating of requirements and canon of the Operating License.
  • Integrate commissions at the international level for the training and development of the Auxiliary Maritime Industry.

The maritime lawyers who provide legal services in different fields of law and specialize in maritime cases and it may also be the case for insurers that cover claims and maritime insurance policies, are also part of the Auxiliary Maritime Industry.

Processes carried out by the Auxiliary Maritime Industry Department:




Registration Application for Companies engaged in Maritime Activity.

Requirements for Companies Dedicated to Maritime Activity

Operation Authorization Application  of companies engaged in maritime activity.

Requirements for Operating authorization.

Application for Registration of Companies engaged in Maritime Activity with Risk of Oil Spill, Their derivatives and other harmful and potentially dangerous substances (SNPP)

.Requirements of Companies Dedicated to Maritime Activity with Oil Spill Risks

Application for the Operation Authorization of Companies with Risk of Oil Spill, Their derivatives and other harmful and potentially dangerous substances (SNPP)

Requirements of Authorization of operation with risk of oil spillage.

Application for Bathymetric Survey Companies in the Registry of Companies Dedicated to Maritime Sector Activities

Cancellation Requirements.

Requirements of Authorization of operation with risk of oil spillage.

Written request

Issuance of Certificates

Requirements for issuance of Certificates.

Written request

Maritime Cluster

Ship Supply & Services

Maritime and port maneuvers

Shipping Agency

Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Ships and Port facilities

Waste Management and Fumigation


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