Labor Social


The problem of solid waste in our coastal marine ecosystems puts their ecological balance and their social, economic and recreational value at risk. The General Directorate of the Merchant Marine has been working on cleaning days since 2015, with the support of other government agencies and the private sector.

To take a step forward, we are now implementing a new work methodology, to collect not only garbage, but also information that will give us reliable statistical data on the origin and type of waste that ends up on our beaches and coastal marine spaces.

Knowing and monitoring the problem is creating solid foundations to solve it. Let’s do our part!



On February 25 and 26 of the present, this General Directorate, through the Department of Environmental Protection, organized a cleaning day in the Alvarado Lagoon, Puerto Cortés, where we obtained as a result the collection of 107 bags of garbage, equivalent to approximately 6 cubic meters of waste. This is supported by the Honduran Naval Force, the COPESCOL fishermen’s cooperative and the non-governmental organization PAZ VERDE.



The Department of Marine Environment Protection of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine, together with the patronage of the community of Coyolito, Amapala and the Naval Force of Honduras, works in the collection of solid waste on the beach of that town, as well as in the tributaries directly connected to the sea, in order to mitigate the environmental and socioeconomic





From July 16 to 18, this Directorate General, through the Department of Marine Environment Protection, performs cleaning work in the Alvarado Lagoon of Puerto Cortés, joining efforts with the Municipal Environmental Department of the mayor’s office, the Naval Force of Honduras, the environmental organization Paz Verde and the company Ocean Pollution Control (OPCH). The above with the objective of improving the environmental health of this wetland, which fulfills important ecological functions and is also the habitat of numerous species of social and economic relevance.




Continuing with the beach and shoreline cleaning program led by this Directorate General, through the Department of Marine Environment Protection, a beach cleaning day was coordinated in Utila, Bay Islands. This activity was carried out thanks to the collaboration of personnel of the Naval Force of Honduras, BICA, Iguana Station, KANAHAU, the Motorcycle Taxi Association of Utila (MOTUT), students of the Methodis School and the Basic Center of the Republic of Honduras. This day was developed successfully and its results contribute to improving the health of marine and coastal ecosystems that have great importance on the island of Utila.


On March 23 of this year, a beach cleaning day was held in the Gulf of Fonseca, in the municipality of Coyolito, in commemoration of International Water Day, this activity was carried out in conjunction with the Coyolito Naval Force and DGMM. A total of 25 people participated where ½ km of beach was cleaned, in order to mitigate the environmental problems associated with the accumulation of waste, as well as raise awareness and sensitize the inhabitants of the place to understand the importance of coastal areas, obtaining As a result the collection of 54 bags of garbage, making a total of 3.15 m3.



Working for Honduras! The General Directorate of the Merchant Marine, with the support of the Honduran Naval Force, COPECO, fishermen and other members of the community in the municipality of San Lorenzo, develops the second day of beach cleaning in the Gulf of Fonseca. SUBMIT AND PLASTIC REST!


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