This department is responsible for meeting all legal matters of the institution, which provides an indispensable service, providing advice to different departments of the institution, in the review and development of interagency agreements that arise from their relationship with other institutions, drafting of contracts, analysis and preparation of draft laws and regulations that serve to regulate the various activities and issues related to the maritime sector.
Providing legal advices services through legal opinions for the different departments of the institution related to the internal regulations of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine, and international conventions to which Honduras is a part.
Provide support and legal advice associated to administrative law, labor law, civil law among other areas of law, as requested topics.
Advise and issue legal opinions in drafting legal instruments emanating from the institution, including staff rules and others administrative provisions governing maritime activities.
Drafting of delegation contracts for recognized organizations.
Drafting the different contracts that the institution requires.
Development of institutional cooperation agreements.
To represent and defend the institution in litigation matters before the Courts of Justice of the country.